Viewer Mail

January 2014
What did you think of this week's show?
There are a lot of things to do and places to visit while in Tawas. I enjoyed watching the show.
Stephanie W.
Bay City, MI
Bay City, MI
I thought the show (Tour the Thumb) was very interesting. I've lived in Michigan all my life and didn't realize Sanilac County had so much to offer!
Roger O.
Bay City, MI
Bay City, MI
Loved the show (Tour the Thumb)! Planning a honeymoon weekend in May and looking forward to seeing some of the sites you showcased. Thank you!
Debra S.
Pontiac, MI
Pontiac, MI
I enjoyed it (Tour the Thumb)! I’m looking forward to taking a trip around the Thumb.
John M.
Midland, MI
Midland, MI
We loved the show! We are planning a camping trip in July to the Caseville sleeper park. Your show gave us ideas for the area, thank you.
Brenda O.
Birch Run, MI
Birch Run, MI
We really enjoyed this week's location. The segment on the camping grounds is a great feature. A couple we have been to, so now we can plan for the next one. As always, super job!
Andrew K.
Clinton Township, MI
Clinton Township, MI
My husband and I (soon to be retired), are looking for places in Michigan to discover. We thought the show was great!
Laurie C.
Plainwell, MI
Plainwell, MI
Loved the show (Tour the Thumb)! We always get our camping ideas from your show.
Kris H.
Dorr, MI
Dorr, MI
I have been watching your episodes lately and have found them to be both enjoyable and informative. Love the various small towns and the people living in those towns. The scenes you show wants a person to just pick up and go to that particular area. Thanks for showing the beauty of Michigan.
Helen T.
Clinton Twp., MI
Clinton Twp., MI
It was a great show. I have wanted to visit the Thumb area for a long time and this show just piqued my interest again.
Marlene G.
Charlevoix, MI
Charlevoix, MI
Very interesting! Planning a trip to the Thumb this summer after watching!
Shari M.
Coleman, MI
Coleman, MI
Missed it, but we are scheduling our TV to record all shows in the future. Love you guys!
Bonnie W.
Livonia, MI
Livonia, MI
Very informative (Great Lakes Bay Waterways)! There are so many things to do in Michigan that without shows like this, you have no idea what you are missing.
Brenda D.
Sterling Heights, MI
Sterling Heights, MI
I love your show and look forward to watching it. My family plans our vacations around points of interest in your program. Keep up the great work!
Kevin B.
Redford, MI
Redford, MI
The show was great! It showed me things about Michigan I never knew about!
Shelly P.
Kimball, MI
Kimball, MI
I enjoyed this week's show, which had a lot on fishing the Great Lakes Bay Region. I'm always looking for more places to fish, especially in places that I can fish without a boat. I'm planning on watching your show on a regular basis, as this was the first time I saw it. I fish, hunt, and enjoy wildlife, scenic Michigan photography.
Bob T.
Macomb Township, MI
Macomb Township, MI
Wow, what a show! I didn't know that all of this activity was right in the area we do a lot of camping in. We are members of Outdoor Adventures. I really want to take my wife on the river tour in the back waters. Thank you so much for your show.
Robert & Linda C.
Richmond, MI
Richmond, MI